Bryttanie Underwood

"More knowledge creates more inclusive moments"
College: Education
Degree Program: Special Education
Degree: Master's
Why FSU?
FSU was the only choice based on programs offered. The College of Education offers a chance to get a bachelor's and master's that wrapped around the basis of special education teaching focused on inclusivity through differences.
Motivation to pursue a graduate degree
I wanted to earn a graduate degree because it is the first step toward a PhD, which I would like to acquire as the first in my family to do so. I also feel that having a master's and PhD in my field will open more doors for me later in life, allowing me to branch off into varying aspects of education as a whole.
Importance and/or impact of research and work
My research is important because it can provide students with more control over their education and their choices, teaching them how to control their impulses inside the classroom.
Career aspirations
My goal is to get a PhD and explore all the different levels of education, such as teaching, being a principal, or working for the Department of Education. I also hope to go to law school later in life to become an advocate for individuals who have trouble advocating for themselves.
Advice for anyone considering graduate school
It will be very hard, and very time consuming...that being said, DO IT!
Accomplishments during graduate career
I am extremely proud of the progress I have made academically from the beginning of my transition to FSU to now, so much so that I was voted "most improved" by my fellow classmates in my cohort when we graduated with our BA. I am very proud of being told how much "with-it-ness" I have when inside of the classroom, it really helps to battle the imposter syndrome I often feel. I am also proud to have been a finalist in the 2023 Master's in Four Competition.