Asif Shaikh

"Passion to excel for substantial contribution."
College: Communication and Information
Degree Program: Information Science
Degree: Doctorate
Why FSU?
I would say that it was not that easy decision. I had a background in business (marketing) studies but got a chance to work in the cybersecurity area. After searching for graduate programs at FSU, the School of Information grabbed my attention because it focuses on cybersecurity, particularly behavioral cybersecurity. This program appealed to me because it caters to students who have no core computer science background. It was a great fit for me based on my past educational and working experience.
Motivation to pursue a graduate degree
For an international student, working in the U.S. is a big opportunity. Moreover, the area of identifiable information I work in has great potential in the Internet of Things (IoT) world. Finally, the demand for cybersecurity experts is very high.
Importance of research and work
The reliance on the Internet, from online banking to online grocery shopping, has taken cyberspace to new heights. But this space keeps bringing new threats for individuals and organizations. Compromising one’s personally identifiable information is an increasing phenomenon in recent years. The fraudsters are using innovative ways with technology to capture sensitive data assets to sell in the market. Studying behavioral cybersecurity focuses on the insiders when they become threats to individuals and organizations. Such insiders have posed a challenge to organizations, as over 70% of fraud is being done by insiders as opposed to outsiders. My focus is on insiders working inside the organization, who have privileged access to sensitive assets, and I consider how smartphones and other IT tools facilitate in compromising data. My research would be beneficial for organizations to implement informal IT use policies, thereby reducing insider threats.
Career aspirations
I would like to do consulting for different companies to significantly reduce fraud.
Advice for anyone considering graduate school
Choosing a graduate school and pursuing a graduate degree is an important decision of life. The right combination of the school program, the faculty interest, and the research project is the key.