Asia Henry

"Increased access to my professional dreams"
College: Education, Health & Human Sciences
Degree Program: Counseling and School Psychology
Degree: Doctoral
Truthfully, just before graduating with my bachelor's degree from FSU in Psychology, I realized that I would need to pursue a higher education to become a therapist. From there, I decided to try and get the doctorate because I might as well get as educated as possible and open myself up to as many options career-wise after graduation. I always said I would be a doctor, so a PhD was a great option to fulfill my personal aspirations. I chose FSU because, initially, my parents attended and met here, so it was an excellent option for me for undergrad because I grew up with FSU culture instilled in me from childhood. Further, when applying for the PhD, I saw they accepted bachelor admits. This structure was enticing because it would allow me to "save" a year by pursuing the six-year doctorate versus a two-year master's and then a five-year doctorate. Also, being familiar with the location, having friends who lived here already, and already knowing what to expect with school culture made the decision easier for me.
Motivation to pursue a graduate degree
Dr. Laura Reid Marks has been most influential because she provided a concrete example of, not only a Black woman, but a multiracial woman who has been able to navigate the higher education doctoral system and come out on the other side successfully. She has also served as a mentor and an advocate for myself and other students of color.
Importance and/or impact of research and work
The most important aspect of my research will be the awareness it brings to the multiracial experience, as well as the understanding of the issues that minoritized individuals face in general. I have also tried to incorporate career ideas into my research related to multiracial individuals. Moreover, I hope to be able to learn more about how mindfulness can help Black students who struggle with alcohol misuse through the TIME project hosted by Dr. Laura Reid Marks' GROWTH Lab.
Career aspirations
I hope to become a licensed psychologist and work in the state of Maryland and the territory of Washington, D.C., providing mental health care to underserved communities and populations. I also hope to open my own private practice with the same goal of serving these populations. I would like to get into assessment and evaluation work on the side, either through fulfilling contracts within school systems or within my private practice to help people get answers about their potential diagnoses.
Advice for anyone considering graduate school
Do the GRE even if it is not required, because it could be the thing that sets you apart from someone else. If pursuing a degree that includes clinical application, make sure you are getting clinical experience before applying so that you can discuss it in your application materials. Finally, a gap year can be super beneficial and be the difference between getting in and not getting admitted to your program of choice. However, make sure you use that gap year effectively.
Accomplishments during graduate career
I have received multiple honors and awards, including a Career Advisor Scholarship: Peterson Fellow (2022), Student Employee of the Year: Finalist (2023), Florida ACE Student of the Year (2023), Career Advisor Scholarship: Rand Fellow (2023), Southern ACE Graduate Student of the Year (2023), UNCF United Health Foundation Diversity in Health Care Scholarship Award (2024), Career Advisor Scholarship: Driver Fellow (2024), and publishing a book review in Career Convergence (2024).