Alexia Benavent Rivera

”Be part of a community”
College: Fine Arts
Degree Program: Studio Art
Degree: Master's
Why FSU?
The FSU graduate program in Studio Art offered an unparalleled opportunity to expand and experiment with my art. The facilities available have allowed me to hone my practice, and the student cohort I'm in is incredibly supportive. Community is so integral to the art world, and this program has allowed me to become part of a group that has helped me build the community I desired. We each push each other to try new techniques and go bigger with our projects.
Importance and/or impact of research and work
In my research, I have found that much of the focus in the art world has been on the western canon, but my work and research seek to bring the ideas and struggles of Latin America into the spotlight. I examine what it means it be a part of a diaspora through my own lived experiences moving to the United States from the Caribbean. I also shine a light onto the exploitation of Latin America by the United States, in particular the actions of Chiquita and other fruit companies.
Career aspirations
The most important thing for me is that art is a central part of my life. That said, the abilities I've gained during this program will enable me to teach future generations of artists, while the connections and people I've met will open doors to gallery and curatorial options.
Advice for anyone considering graduate school
It's not for everyone, but it is very rewarding if you choose to go down this path. Be prepared for a lot of work, but also for a lot of fun. You'll have a lot of opportunities for new experiences, and to meet new people, so put yourself out there.
Accomplishments during graduate career
I'm proud of getting out of my comfort zone and trying performance art. I've become so much more proficient in a variety of mediums, and I'm vastly better equipped to gain and utilize research. I'm pleased to be a finalist in the 2025 HSF Graduate Student Excellence in the Visual Arts award.