OGFA Outreach

OGFA Recognition of External Awards Celebration

The Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards hosted an inaugural celebration for students that had successfully applied for and received external awards.

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OGFA Networking Events

The Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards hosts a Networking Event aimed at creating interdisciplinary collaborations and peer support networks between graduate students across campus.

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CFGS/CSGS Meetings

The Conference of Florida Graduate Schools provides networking and collaboration with other higher education professionals working in Florida graduate schools. The conference also provides opportunities to communicate and discuss issues/concerns and topics of interest, and develop new/more effective methods to address issues regarding graduate education in Florida.

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McNair/TRIO Campus Visits

Prior to the start of the new academic year, the Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards hosted a Grad School Bootcamp for a group of McNair/TRIO Scholars from the University of Florida, the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss), Tougaloo College, Alcorn State University, and our very own Florida State University CARE SSS SCOPE and SSS STEM Programs.

Thank you to the Graduate School faculty and staff (Dr. Debi Fadool, Jermaine Williams, Katrina Williams, and Ashley Jarvis), graduate peer mentors, and CARE staff (Roxanne Simpson, Dr. Campos, and Jacourie Clark) for making this event a tremendous success. The graduate peer mentors (see picture below) talked about their program of study and graduate school experiences during the “Day in the Life of a Grad Student” panel and Speed Networking session and created an inviting space for all participants to get to know each other during the Collaborating with Strangers icebreaker.

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Time Management Workshop

The goal of the IntentioNOLE Time Management Workshop was to help students re-think their attitude towards planning. In college, time management is essential for the collegiate journey. Student success in academics depends on how efficient time is being managed. As a student progresses into adulthood, learned habits of managing time carries into their professional life. The habits they form now during their undergraduate and graduate career will set the foundation for later years in life. Time management takes intentionality and practice so the Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards set out to provide scholars from Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University and Florida State University with free Passion Planners to jumpstart the process of living a purposeful and passionate life. Dr. Stephenson applied for a mini grant through the Passion Planner Get One Give One Program and was able to secure free Passion Planner for all participants. Facilitators Jasmyn Pollock and Carolyn Harris conducted 4 total workshops during the Spring 2018 semester for undergraduate and graduate students majoring in various fields of study from FAMU and FSU. The scholars represented various offices, organizations, and award programs (FAMU Feeder Scholars, McKnight Doctoral and Dissertation Fellows, McKnight Affiliates, McNair Scholars, GEM Fellowship Program, CARE, WEB Dubois Honor Society, and InternFSU).
