Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards

The Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards assists current FSU students with articulating their interests and ambitions in support of identifying and applying for external fellowships, scholarships, grants, and awards. Through our holistic approach, we are able to walk alongside students throughout the entire application process, offering tailored guidance at every step along the way. We regularly offer presentations and discussions for colleges, departments, meetings, and classes. Our workshops are designed to meet students where they are, covering both the basics of applying for external funding as well as in-depth advice for specific funding opportunities. The core expression of our mission, though, is the individual support we offer to students through one-on-one meetings, custom advice, and careful review of application materials.

Video Resources

Introduction to OGFA
Graduate Student Award Recipient Panel Discussion
Fulbright Panel Discussion
Navigating Pivot

Legacy Sort
Legacy Priority

Get Started

Identify funding that best fits your academic and professional goals

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Grad Impact

Amplify the lived Graduate Student Experience through video and written narratives

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Find Funding

Identify funding that best fits your academic and professional goals

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How can the Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards be a resource to me?

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The Graduate School Continues to Propel Students to Success

Dean Riley and Dr. McCall were interviewed by FSU News about initiatives in The Graduate School to help students with funding their graduate education.


Summer 2024 Workshops

OGFA workshops are held in in-person, hybrid, and fully remote formats. Please read workshop details carefully.
Click the hyperlinked workshop title to register.
All students (undergraduate and graduate), faculty, and staff are welcome to attend.