Ria Skylar Brooks

Headshot for Ria Skylar Brooks

”Knowledge, Advocate, Leadership, Development, Integrate, and Educate”

College: Education, Health, and Human Sciences
Degree Program: Educational Psychology
Degree: Doctoral

Awards: McKnight Doctoral Fellowship (2024), PURPOSE Research Fellow (2023)


Why Graduate School at FSU?

As a young girl, I have always loved to learn. During my sophomore and junior year of high school, I lost my cousins to suicide. My education in psychology has helped me be a beacon of hope to my family and friends while also educating me as I navigate through my own development. Pursuing my Ph.D. will open doors for my family and myself while also providing me with additional access to advocate for my community. I recently graduated with my Masters of Science in Community Psychology at Florida A&M University (FAMU). I was also a PURPOSE 2023 research fellow. My experience conducting research at my HBCU and at FSU continued to motivate me to get my Ph.D. I learned more about the Educational Psychology Program at FSU and instantly felt at home. I look forward to continuing my education at FSU.

Importance and/or impact of research and work

The importance of my research, exploring optimism as a mediator between adverse childhood experiences and academic success in students of African descent, is to convey the different adversities college students, specifically Black students, navigate. Referencing two theories, I elaborate on the bi-directional influences that contribute to childhood adversities. Additionally, I elaborate on how these bi-directional influences can form optimistic or pessimistic thinking, which ultimately may impact the way a student is able to achieve their academic goals. It is important to break down systems of thought and apply cultural considerations to research. In my research, I hope to inspire and educate all people to go beyond the status quo and look into the unique stressors and environments that contribute to the development of a person.

Career aspirations

I will be a program director and business owner one day. I plan to assist with the development of Title 1 schools and institutions to support students financially, mentally, physically and emotionally. I will be a published researcher and author advocating for Black and Brown students to reach for the stars despite adversities. I will also forge and curate creative spaces for Black and Brown men and women to connect and create for the community.

Advice for anyone considering graduate school

The worst thing you could do is not try. Seize every opportunity to connect with your peers and professors. Ask for help. Ask questions. Sit in the places you wish to one day be. I have always wanted to attend FSU. I applied and did not get accepted on the first try. I went to FAMU to get my masters and found out about the PURPOSE research fellowship collaboration with FSU and FAMU. I applied to the fellowship to connect with like-minded individuals at FSU and increase my research experience. Now as a graduate from FAMU, I will be attending FSU to pursue my doctorate 4 months later. I utilized my connections at FSU and I asked questions. I was open about my goals and got support from faculty and students who were in my desired program. I also worked in a research lab as a volunteer at FSU to continue my efforts of gaining new research experiences. The sky is the limit. Do your research, be patient, diligent, and work hard.

Accomplishments during graduate career

I have been Graduate Assistant at FSU and a Research Assistant at Florida A&M Uniersity. In 2023, I was a PURPOSE Research Fellow. In 2024, I received the McKnight Doctoral Fellowship.